You see a lot of promises out there about the benefits of a spiritual path.
“Discover your true essence.”
“Improve your concentration and awareness.”
“Find peace of mind and a better life.”
“Establish and deepen your relationship with God/Being/Spirit.”
“And those fabulous mystical experiences!!”
These are all quite possible. At the start however, it helps many to let go of many assumptions about yourself and spirituality. As you develop spiritually, you will be surprised as you discover levels and levels of false assumptions you have used to run your life. Our beliefs about ourselves and the world can cloud our ability to connect with our innate spiritual nature.
Many people see suffering, or other habitual ways of interacting with the world, as their very identity and they cannot even consider letting go of them. Likewise there are those deeply attached to the idea that this world is hopelessly terrible, as well as those who look forward to spiritual experiences as a kind of Disneyland, with loads of thrills and flashes of exciting visions.