Klamath River Water Conflict
“Farms and Fish” (2006)
The issue is sharing Klamath River water between farms and fish. Greg Addington of the Klamath Water Users Association represents the farming communities, and Leaf Hillman of the Karuk Tribe represents the four Native American Tribes along the Klamath River. This dialogue was recorded early in the contentious lengthy discussions which led to the signing of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement in 2010.
“Vision of the River: Working Together on the Klamath” (2010)
A comprehensive presentation of the Klamath River Basin water crisis and solutions featuring Klamath stakeholders and scientists. Farmers and ranchers competed with Native Americans, commercial salmon fishermen, and conservationists over scarce water. The documentary culminates in the signing of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement in 2010. ISBN 8 45121 02282 7
“Using the Best Available Science to Restore the Upper Klamath Basin” (2006)
The Hatfield Science Team (Mark Buettner, Harry Carlson, Larry Dunsmoor, and Robert Gearheart), moderated by Terry Morton, discuss science strategies to restore fish habitat in the Upper Klamath Basin.
“Sustaining Salmon: Fishermen, Scientists, and Project CROOS” (2011 56:46 minutes))
Located at Oregon’s Hatfield Marine Science Center, Project CROOS (Collaborative Research on Oregon Ocean Salmon) is a unique collaborative effort between fishermen and scientists to sustain Chinook salmon populations and the commercial salmon industry. This documentary profiles how Project CROOS uses DNA analysis to help fishermen harvest healthy salmon stock and avoid fishing weak stock from rivers where populations are threatened. ISBN 8 45121 04304 4
“Saving Salmon: Bringing C. Shasta Back into Balance” (2011, 59 minutes)
This documentary profiles the work of Oregon State University Professor Jerri Bartholomew and her team to control C. Shasta, a lethal parasite that can infect 60-90% of out-migrating juvenile salmon in the Klamath River. The story is about physically challenging, patient observation in the field, wrong turns, and stunning discoveries based on advanced genetic and ecological science. ISBN 8 45121 04303 7